Alongside a few subtle tweaks to the site design, we're also rolling out today the Design section, with a few brand-new pieces made over the past few weeks. Two of them are part of a future ongoing personal design challenge in establishing "companies" for some of the monsters of the Monster Hunter universe. "Sunsnug Isle" was just something done for fun as a break from them. Check them out and let us know what you think!
Site News
After extensive work developing our re-branding of Glass Jaw Studios over the past month or so, today marks the soft launch of Oak & Mint Creative at We've expanded our purview, and with it we will be sharing examples of new avenues of work we'll be tackling. These will be added as new pages in the coming weeks, but for now we can share the things we're most proud of in our main fortes.
Examples of our animation and graphic design work are next on the agenda, so stay tuned for those. We also aim to add a storefront so prints and other such merchandise should eventually be made available. Thanks for visiting and check back in again soon!
Tumblr Update
I've revamped my tumblr with an actual logo and reasonably thoughtful design! And more importantly, I'm actually somewhat regularly using it, now that I'm participating in the Pokeddexy Challenge. I've got a bit of catching up to do since the weekend was busy, but I'm having a lot of fun with this drawing challenge. So here, have my Scyther animation from Day 1 for a taste!
Punk Girl
Welcome to the new site! I've reworked my visual identity, and changed over to Squarespace. I'm impressed with how readily I was able to work a starter template into something I was happy with; while it's not 100% perfect just yet, the customization tools are pretty solid and I'm sure this will get whipped into shape soon enough. :)
With so many friends on tumblr, it seemed like a good idea. You can find my work there at Odds are good there will be new things there that I don't post immediately here. That is all. :)
Oh Hey
I have a website! It would seem I've apparently forgotten. Well, there hasn't been much to update with as I've been quite busy doing work for others, and not so much for me. As of April I've moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco and have taken on a 2D Artist position for Zynga's FrontierVille. It's a fantastic job! But I can't show or say much more than that. And since my personal life is now going rather swimmingly, I have little time for my own art… so I'm formally putting this site on indefinite hiatus. There's always something on my mind, so I think I'll be paying Twitter the time of day again; but just as I can't share much about my job here, nor will I there. Maybe every once in a while I'll make some new artwork though (after all, I still want to make something with Eli & Amos!), so if I do you can find out about it there, and eventually it'll get posted here. Anyways, happy trails to you!
Eli & Amos' Great Undersea Adventure
After teasing it in previous posts, here at last is my latest illustration: Eli & Amos' Great Undersea Adventure! My schedule permitted only sporadic work on this (much like the previous Eli & Amos piece), and it's a far more complex—some might say ambitious—illustration than its predecessor. It was great fun to work on though, and a great opportunity to learn.
I like changing my process up to avoid stagnation and allow for learning new techniques. The challenge here was finding an approach different from "Circumnavigate" that would net quicker, better results while retaining the same style as its predecessor. The sheer amount of detail in this made it take longer in total, but I'm quite happy with the end result.
In site news, after putting it off for entirely too long I've finally caved and installed the newest WordPress. Ordinary visitors might not notice much of a difference (aside from faster page loads), but it was definitely worth it: the tools on the publishing side are far richer than their already-rich precursors. I look forward to making future website updates. :)
Snowman Handyman
I was contacted in mid-December by an outlet reseller of power tools. They commissioned me to create an illustration accompanying a holiday email they send out to the various tool companies they work with (in effect, an ecard). It was a good experience and I think I learned a bit more about how I like to work.
As an aside, comments have been turned on. With it being the start of a new year and all, it just seems appropriate to try something new. I'm not sure why it seems you can't comment on older posts, but let us just make due with the idea that it's a new year, with new posts sporting new features to match!
Live at last!
It's taken the better part of three months (on and off), but I've finally installed Wordpress and ginned up a suitable theme. It's a logical extension of the old design, taking what worked before and adding some new functionality. Moving from a completely custom HTML engine for the site to a Wordpress engine should allow me a lot more versatility with how I display my work - just take a look at the galleries listed at top, with their slick transitions and significantly larger images! It also makes it far easier to update the site, so new work should be added more frequently now. I've also finally got a dedicated Design section, though there's nothing in it just yet. It will be updated soon with some of the typography and layout I've done, but my primary concern was getting the site moved from its testing page to the main page and having the Illustration and Sketchbook sections ready to go. So take a look around, and shoot me an email if you have any comments!